Imagination is more important than knowledge  (Albert Einstein) 
The love you take is Equal to the love you make (The Beatles)
The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and to name them you had to use your finger. (Gabriel Garzia Marquez)
 Through the years I have learned many things.  In the many books I have read, many movies I have seen, and everything that has happen to me, I have seen how life functions.  Natural selection says that only the strongest individuals are who survive.  It’s seems silly how the human has manage to survive for so long in our nature.  We are animals, we are greedy and impulsive.  We like suffering and death.  Obviously I am being a little bit cynical, but the truth is that as a species we have been chaotic.  Then, who is it possible that we as a weak species have survived?  I found that answer long time ago.  We have imagination, we have love, we have courage, we have needs to survive, and we are intellectuals and a lot of stuff more.   I like this quotes because they show how the human behaves.  We want love and we want to give it away.  If we do not give love, we won’t get any in return.   We are the most advance specie in this plant because we develop mainly a language.   Thanks to the language we are today were we are.  And finally, imagination.  Without imagination our species would have never learned to communicate, would have never made the Great Wall of China or a F-20 jet fighter.  Without imagination we would not be the human race. 

 Sleepless nights and several mental breakdowns is what best describe this semester.  In June, after leaving the Polytechnic University I had the brilliant idea of taking 21 credits. What the hell was I thinking?  Four labs, three major science classes and bunch of social and humanities classes. It’s just mental to believe that this semester would be possible.  I am almost at a melting point, so many concepts, so many works to do that I am even starting to mix.  At Economics I start to speak of Analytical Chemistry, at my English post write about physics, biology and organics that even my dream are being affected.  Just last night I dreamt that i was synthesize a very complex organic molecule. My God, what a horrible dream!  Nevertheless, I have fought and some battles I have conquered and other not.  I think I have done pretty well considering the circumstances.  I got some A and some B, but at least no C, D or F.
I have to say that this semester has been a wild experience.  Just to think that this is what awaits me in medical school.  My fooling around time is at all time minimum, but there is no going back, just going forward.  Some think that I am kind of masochistic, other that I am just crazy and there are some that think I’m just arrogant.  I think it’s a mixture of all, but the real reason of all this madness is that I spend two years preparing for a bachelors degree that I ended up not studying.  Maybe its part arrogance that I decided to study the most difficult Bachelors in Natural Science, but what can I say, Chemistry is my thing. Now I am trying to rescue two years of studies in one.
Regardless of this craziness I have to say that not everything has been chaotic.  I like my classes.  I do have lots of work all the time, but I love what I am doing, just wished that it was possible to stop time.  This composition class is one of my favorites.  It’s the moment of the day that I stop thinking about the other classes and just relax and start thinking about different themes.  This is really good.  For the past few months I haven't think about much outside the university, but this class at least gives me three hours a week to get in touch with the "outside world".
Nevertheless, I did not take this class to relax.  Next semester I need to write a proposal and it’s very important for me to be in tune with my writing skills. I like the strategy of the class, nevertheless I do believe there are some stuff that it can improve.  The class attacks a student worst enemy, the fear of writing.  For most students, like me, writing is essential, nevertheless it sometimes seems impossible to start writing or developing an idea. The class works these fears, by giving us some interesting themes to write about.  On the other hand, while I liked a lot that part, I also felt that I need to improve my writing skill. There are two ways to improve; by auto review and by peer review.  Both had been done in class, but sometimes being reviewed by fellow classmate was not very helpful because they did not give to much feedback on the writing part.  I liked how to professor managed the class and her techniques of teaching, but I wish that maybe it could be even better if at least three/ two times in the semester the professor gave us feedback on some major work.   We can't have too much feedback from the professor, nor too little.  The feedback of the teacher is always very constructive, but having too much works against us, because then we accustomed to the idea that the professor will correct us what is wrong.  It’s important to autocorrect our self.  Nevertheless I give the teacher acknowledgment for how she is conducting her class and the ways she get us to study.  With this said, I think the idea to write stuff that pissed us off and then connecting them was really good.  This helped me get an idea to write about, without doing much thinking.

In my senior year I took one of the most important decisions of my life.  For an entire month I was freaking out over what career path to take.  My hand tremble every time I was about to fill the admissions papers.  I knew what I liked, but why did I liked so many things in such opposites fields?  I ended up deciding for science which I do not regret, even though its consuming so much time of my life.  Nevertheless, I still think what would have been my life if I had decided in my other two options; Architecture and Film-making. I also wanted at the moment engineering, but I feel it enters as science.  Science the seventh grade I wanted to be a Architect.  My geometry teacher asked the class to design a house considering the math and physics theorems we had learn.  My house was the best one.  From that moment on, I knew what I liked and what I wanted to be.  I bought several designing programs and develop several sketches, it seem like that was my only career choice.  Architecture was not just about making beautiful structures, but also about bonding my creative side with my scientist side.  It was the best of both worlds.  Then, almost a year before I entered college, I talked to a very successful Architect.  He showed me what an Architect really does.  It was just horrible, they work like crazy and have to do stuff they don't even want, designs they don't even think are good.  This was a problem for me, I tend to have an arrogant personality and just to think that some client would come to me and say that my creativity is wrong seemed preposterous.  I decided not to fallow this career path, a decision that now a days I do not regret considering the job opportunities the field has.  I manage to keep my creativity intact, but their was another career choice that I really wanted; Film-making.  After my 8th grade graduation, my parents gave me a video camera.  I felt in love with the thing and learned a lot about editing. I had this fever for films, that seem never to end, but I didn't know what to film.  My friends where not very helpful actors, they tend to forget about their roles in my movies.  At the end, I realize that I wanted to make a movie, but that it was my hobby, not my job.  I wanted to do movies on the side, not like my job. 

My Career Test Results

The INTP has great precision in thought and language. They can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. They are good at logic and math and make good philosophers and theoretical scientists. 1% of the total population.INTP's lack follow-through and this can isolate their ideas from practical examination. Their notions become over-intellectualized and too abstract to be of practical benefit. With their sharp critical thinking and analytical abilities, INTP's tend to nit-pick, hair-split, and generally overdo simple issues. Their desire for accuracy and precision exacerbates any error they may perceive in themselves or in others — they are, in other words, highly self-critical. Wanting to be competent and know everything, their standards grow increasingly higher. When fear of failing becomes overly pronounced, INTP's are quick to feel unintelligent, slow, and powerless. 

If stress continues, the INTP's mind seems to freeze and block out the vital information it has worked so hard to accumulate. Their creative juices stop flowing and they suffer from stage fright, writers block, and a general inhibition of their ingenious thinking and fluent language skills. Preoccupied with performance failure, INTP's become self-consciously distracted in anticipation of their failure. If the stress becomes too overwhelming, the fear of blanking out prevents them from taking risks in areas they desire to succeed in. Attempting to avoid incompetence, they fail to gain the expertise and mastery they so desperately need.


This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.

strategic planning
staff development
software designer
financial analyst
college professor
systems analyst
computer programmer
data base manager

Leonardo da Vinci sketch the human body, measuring its parts and trying to understand its funtionality.  He was very interested in the anatomy of the human body, which lead to many well done skeatches from human organs.  One of his most interesting works are sketches from the cardiovascularitory system.  He studied the heart and how it fuction.

John Dalton was a Englis chemist, meteorologist and physics, who help pioneer the development of the atomic structure theory.    He actually did not make many experiments, because at his time it was a bit dificult, but he did collect all of the research done before and develope a theory base on his findings.  He discovered that elements are form of this particules, that can be neither destroyed or created, called atoms which give them specific properties to the elements.  He also develope some gas theories and concluded that when a chemical reaction occures, atoms are rearranged, combine or separated.

Johannes Diderik van der Waals
A physicist and Mathematician who develope many theories involving the atomic structure and the gas thermodinamics.  Thanks to his development in each field many industrial process are possible.  While also helping understand the dynamics of the universe and the atomic structure.

Niels Bohrmade
He made significant atributes to the atomic structure theory and also development of  the quantum mechanics theory.  Considered one of the founding fathers of the atomic bomb, because of his involvement in the study of nuclear energy.  Borh develope the theory that an atom has a nucleous with a proton (positive) and that electrons at different enegy levels revolved around the nucleous.

Gilbert N. Lewis
North American, who study chemistry in the University of Harvard, recognized best for his Lewis Structure Theory.  The theory says that every molecule forms octates (structures of eight electrones in their last energy level). The process can either be made by forming ionic bond (low electronegative molecules donate electron) or by covalent bond (electrones are shared between molecules).  The lewis structures satisfies the octate rule.  His theory has shaped the modern chemistry, helping us understand how molecules form and what possible new ways can they form.  Most of the thing we use know a days, like medicine, shampoo and many other stuff was develope thanks to the aplications of this structures.

Rosalind Franklin
Our modern understandment of the human DNA is thanks to this women.   She died because of her work and never was recongniced for what she achieved.  She is one of the pioneer of the DNA structres.  In the mid 20 century little was known from the DNA, scientist only knew that is was genetic material in the nucleous of cells.  Rosalind Franklin with her X-rays crystollography of the DNA help very much determine the form and width of the DNA.  The came two scientist that used her work and found out its composition and funtion.  James Watson  and Francis Crick won the Noble Price thanks to this woman work.




Men-A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be. (Albert Einstein)
Women- Can't live with them, can't live without them.
Liberty-We are free, but not to be evil, not to be indifferent to human suffering, not to profit from the people, from the work created and sustained through their spirit of political association, while refusing to contribute to the political state that we profit from. (Jose Marti)Honesty-Sometimes the truth isn't good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded (The Dark Knight)
Strength-A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy's shoulder to let him know that the world hadn't ended. (The Dark Knight Rises)
Relationship-Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime; and every kindness we birth our future (Cloud Atlas)
Drugs- Don't wanna know about them.
Motivation-The important thing about that freedom train, is it's got to climb mountains. We ALL have to climb mountains, you know. Mountains that go way up high, and mountains that go deep and low. Yes, we know what those mountains are here at Glide. We sing about them. (Pursuit of Happiness)

For the past 50 years Puerto Rico has been in a constant crisis.  The people might not know it, but we are at war with the Imperialist super powers of our modern days.  Puertorricans have learned to believe that we are at a constant state of colonosianism and depravation of basic rights.  Well, at least this is what politicians feed their people, but the people seem not to care much for it.  Should the people care about what is our place in the global community?  Is it affecting one bight of our daily life?  How we ever had mayor problems that we can't solve because we still haven't define our own statuquo. The answer is no, Puertorricans dont care about the political issues more than they care about the economical.  The people just want to get what they want, I mean material stuff of course.  We are at a melting point right now, where our culture, our political and economical ideas and globalization are starting to merge into a new concept base on contradictions that might be impossible to define.  

Latin spices, American pop culture, Spanish traditions and the Caribbean heat make up our own culture. Our culture has become more than just puertorrican, it’s crazy to believe that with globalization and all, we will stay the same.  We are to exposed to new stuff, new fashions, new trends, new ways of living.  With this in mind, our culture has become a mere contradiction.  Religious people, or at least they say to be, kill and rob everyday while wearing a cross in their chest, because thy neighbored has disrespected him.  Politicians and public people lie to the people so often that it actually has become a national sport, but then they have the audacity to accuse someone else of lying. People expecting to live like kings and queens, but do not work a single moment of their life.   This is our modern society.  People wear mask to hide who they truly are, not because they are ashamed, but because society mandates to. But, why? The answer is simple, the media.  Technology has connected the entire world.  It is a wonderful tool that can be used see a person hundreds of miles away in real time and now a important event that happened just instantly.  Nevertheless it serves as a tool against us too.  Pop culture tends to be flashy and extravagant.   We are bombarded with this flamboyant celebrities and life’s style that we all want to have.  Who wouldn’t want to own a Ferrari, or takes trips around the world, or have a beach house in a little island?  Everyone wants the best, and the best is what the media dictates it is, who are we to deviate?  This is why politicians promise more every year, even do they give less.   People want more, but they want it fast.   They want it instantaneous, like their news on the internet.  I can’t even recall how many times I have heard fellow students mention “I don’t know why I do need to learn this, if when I become a doctor, I won’t need It. “, and this is in the biology class, can’t imagine what they say about other classes.  The worst part is that they call themselves doctors, but they haven’t even entered a medicine school.  Or some fellow engineering students that they had to buy the biggest pickup they could find, just because they were going to become engineers. The worst is seeing them in classrooms.  This where the whole contradiction begins, since, we see them get mad of the professor, because they got an F on the test, and then comes the famous phrase, “I pay so much for the teacher give me an F”.  As if education has become marketable, as if they where expecting to enter a store and buy a diploma.  Our culture it’s full of contradictions, we talked of improving  education, but then we want to buy it; we talk about others, but we hide who we are; we want more and more, but we aren’t willing to work a little harder to get it. We have become a culture that depends on money and  velocity.

The principle that governs our common life is consumerism.  It’s almost impossible to spend a single day without buying anything.  Commercialism promotes the movement of money, and then its reflected in the economy.  But, the problem is that people are spending the money they do not have, to buy things that are mostly unnecessary.  For example, takes this Apple brand crazy fans that rather spend $1500 in a computer that you might get for half less.  Apple technology, like everything, has its perks and it’s a great technology, but the truth is that most people buy for the brand and not the hardware.  Its ok if you have the money to spend on a very expensive, computer.  If you have it, why not?  The problem is when, people start to use money that isn’t  theirs.  For example, when people refinance their house to buy a new car.  Debt starts to accumulate and demands start.  What is impressive, is that the people start to demand that they are not being paid enough, that the government has to help them, that they need help, that they need more loans.  This is when our economical contradiction begin, we have people that spend like if they where capitalist, but when they have money problems they seek the help of the government.  They have gotten to deep in debt with their extensive misuse of money, that they have no more option to seek help (if they want to maintain the life style they already have).   I am not saying that many jobs aren’t under payed and that we aren’t in a economical recession, but the people do form part of the formula, and as said before, we need to spend to move the economy, but we need to spend the money we have.   The problem is that we have several different political and economical ideas clashing.

We say to be capitalist, but we act like socialist, and sometimes like communist.   We love the freedom of speech that the democratic system “secures”, but we want to have everything that the other has.   Puerto Rico has a big problem with politics.  This is a very fanatic island, divided between two “different” political parties.  The Popular Democratic Party  (PPD) and the New Progressive Party (PNP).  Both parties have governed the island the past 60 years with different agendas.   The PPD likes the current political status of the island, commonwealth; while the PNP wants to become a state of the United State.    Nevertheless, sometime it seems the people just fallow their parties for the color they represent.  Ask a PPD member what is commonwealth and most of them won’t know how to answer; ask a PNP member what are the responsibility of becoming a state and most of them won’t know. But, what type of political system do we really have? That has been a mystery for the past 60 years, Puertorrican say we are a country with very close ties to USA, ONU categories us as colony, and America see us like a territory.  And if this wasn’t contradiction enough, we govern in a complete chaos.   Every four years a government is chosen, so we have a democratic political system.  We have freedom of property and have a very tight private business.  So it seems we are also capitalist.  But wait, our government employs almost half of the working population, so we might be socialist maybe? No, but wait, there is even more. Our government treats many sectors of the society like little spoiled kids, while draining the pockets of the working class, with the excuse of eliminating poverty and economic segregation (in other words, to get votes).  This technique sound a bit communist.  This is not to judge any, political system, but the “national sport” of the island.   We have become a needy society, that every four years we chose a government, not for their policies or their ideas, just to see who gives me more, who I can punish, what color I like the most, while we praise our self to be the most political intellectuals.

                In conclusion, Puertorricans are just special.  We seem not to know what we are.  Sometimes we are a country, sometimes we are a colony.  Sometimes we are Latin, sometimes we are American.  Sometimes we are red, and sometimes we are blue.  It really doesn’t matter, what way we go, or what  we say, but will end up doing the opposite.  We are a society form of too many ethnic groups, too many skin colors, too many ideas, that are clashing constantly and help form what is the real Puertorrican Culture.

Taken 2 it’s a movie with a story as shaky as its camera.   The camera seem to never stop.  Every action scene was shot with a shaky lens, a strategy use by many films to give some sense of realism.  This sometimes works, but the overuse of the camera, killed almost the enjoyness of every scene.   At times you couldn’t see who was hitting who, or who was winning the fight.   You could only see Bryan (Liam Neeson) move his hands around, without even knowing what he was hitting and for some apparent reason always ended up with a weapon in his hand.   And to make things worst, to this moment I don’t really know if the chase was actually shot.   I was so daisee after it, that I don’t actually remember much of it.   For a car that did not wanted to start at all, it seem to run the impossible.  Through  a shower of bullets and other cars.  But the worst for this scene is not actuals plot holes in realism, but the shaky camera.  We all know, chase scene have never been very true, because if they where, they would be very boring.  But, the problem again it’s the camera.  The over use of this motion effect, helps give some motion to the scene as a whole, but use it a lot and incorrectly and you end up with lots of bits that really don’t say anything. Not only are they shaky, but also they are really short, giving just a glimpse of what its actually happening.  Ill give my regards to the editors, they sure had a lot of work in their hands trying to make sense of this scenes.

                A movie like Taken 2 is not made to win any Academy Award for story or direction.  Its an action and stories in action movie just serve as a purpose to evoke more violence and adventure.  Nevertheless, lately we’ve had so many action packed movies that do not fall under this guidelines, and have started to care more about the screenplay.  This is not the case for Taken 2.   The story seems like the dumbest excuse to return to this character with the same topic as last time.   The thing that made the first movie so great, was that moment when Kim (Maggie Grace) gets kidnapped and his that its in the other line of the phone hearing all the event, ending with his famous phrase.   I remember watching this scene and I was shocked, but in Taken 2, they just try to expand in the area, not make a new situation. We just get an old Liam Neeson trying to repeat the same situation, only this time he was the one kidnapped. 

The Editorial I like the most to talked about is the FISA needs to balance security and liberty, published in the Washington Post.  The reason I wanted to talked about this one is because technology has facilitated our life to the world.  Is not new that government might watch over their citizens, but technology has given the ability to do so.  I do believe, that you have to sacrifice some liberty in order to sustain order, they are called laws.  But something as login on to Facebook, and knowing that someone else might be watching, just terrifies me. Now ill give you a brief summery. The Editorial talks about how technology and telecommunications have made easier for the government to spy their people, while trying to secure their people.  The problem is that since some of these programs are secret, the people aren’t able to fight back against their government in a court room.  Before, if you were heard and prejudice for something said, you could go to court to solve the problem.  Now days, the secrecy of the programs, have enable the government the benefit of the doubt.  You can’t sue them because is like if it doesn’t exists and as they argue, it’s out of necessity.  Nevertheless the talked about the privacy and the Fourth Amendment is beginning again.  The reason for this is because the American Civil Liberties Union is challenging some of the 2008 amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ACT, arguing that the amendments give the power to collect data over millions of U.S. citizens, which does not give protection to the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.   While the authors believe they are laws to come, thanks to how the American way of life has been modified around the technology, they do believe that we will have to find a balance between security and freedom.  They concluded they favored the law, but that some measures should be given some surveillance.

I found most interesting this particular sentence; “The government argues that people can’t sue unless they can show they’ve been harmed”   This means the government, can’t do anything to a person if he doesn’t harm him?   American being the place of Freedom is basically wrong to say things like this.  Freedom shouldn’t be apparent, but true.  One can only wonder, what would happen.  We have seen many people posting online jokes, they could be accounted for criminals if they are misunderstood.  For this reason I did not like this editorial to much.  They way it was rewritten, it sounded more like just one opion than a group.  The editorial was written in a group, arguing about the situation, nevertheless, it doesn’t show.   Does speak things that are kind of obvious, but doesn’t speak about the real balance between security and liberty, which is the title. In conclusion, I believe it lacks a little of knowledge and a little of more argument. 

    Consumerism has become the new norm of our modern society.  People believe that with money you can buy everything, even ideas, intelligence and love.  Nevertheless, society its moving to a more tolerant, and social community.  Its just ironic how politicians batch any pro communism idea or social idea, but they promise the poor more things and more justice for them.  We have reached a point where consumerism has become the instrument to critic itself.  It’s like fighting fire with fire.  People camp out days in front of a store to buy an Iphone, pay large amounts of money for it, but then preach how capitalism has corrupted the modern society.  They feel hip, they feel as if speaking about alternative governments and politics might make them more interesting and sophisticated.  The truth is that our society is becoming more corrupted because of this paradox.  But why wouldn’t this happen? How many times have we heard the phrase “un pueblo no educado es un pueblo dominado.”.  This has made work, education a possession.  People have misunderstood this concept.  How it is possible that a student that is even receiving money from the government to pay for a higher grade education, blames the professor because he or she did not study for the test and failed it.  And worst of all, it’s what fallows, that “I don’t pay so much for the teachers to fail me”.  How can someone be so cynical to believe that education it’s a possession?  That is not an Iphone that you expect to work properly.   This type of state of mind has made our society more segmented than before.  For example, we have the Cacos which believe that flashing money and bling give them a special standing in our society, even though they call themselves humble.  On the other hand, we have people like the Hipsters, who say not to believe in over consumerism, but they have the latest Apple hardware out in the market.   Our society is base on contradictions, for this reason I propose to make up a new political and economical term, Contradiction.